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Country Choice Scotch Morning Rolls
Country Choice Scotch Morning Rolls
£26.85 £0.45/ea
60 x 56g

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Country Choice Part Baked Hand Crafted Round Sourdough Roll
Country Choice Part Baked Hand Crafted Round Sourdough Roll
£25.90 £0.65/ea
1 x 40

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La Boulangerie English Muffins
La Boulangerie English Muffins
£16.30 £0.34/ea
48 x 72g

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Luxury Baked Sourdough Crumpets
Luxury Baked Sourdough Crumpets
£13.85 £0.38/ea
6 x 6 x 50g

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La Boulangerie 6" Fully Baked White Flour Baps
La Boulangerie 6" Fully Baked White Flour Baps
£12.70 £0.53/ea
24 x 110g

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La Boulangerie 4.5'' Fully Baked Unseeded Brioche Buns
La Boulangerie 4.5'' Fully Baked Unseeded Brioche Buns
£37.20 £0.78/ea
48 x 88g

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This product has been discontinued from the Brakes range.

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