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Country Choice Sandwich Wedge Pack
Country Choice Sandwich Wedge Pack
£55.75 £0.22/ea
1 x 250

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Country Choice Baguette Tray 12" Embossed ()
Country Choice Baguette Tray 12" Embossed ()
£55.80 £0.22/ea
1 x 250

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Country Choice Baguette Tray 11" Embossed
Country Choice Baguette Tray 11" Embossed
£51.45 £0.21/ea
1 x 250

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Country Choice Large Salad Box
Country Choice Large Salad Box
£107.20 £0.30/ea
1 x 360

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Country Choice Sandwich Baguette Window Bag (1x500)
Country Choice Sandwich Baguette Window Bag (1x500)
£46.40 £0.09/ea
1 x 500

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Deep Filled Sandwich Wedges
Deep Filled Sandwich Wedges
£125.20 £0.25/ea
1 x 500

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Vegware PLA Domed Cold Cup Lids with straw hole - 10oz-16oz
Vegware PLA Domed Cold Cup Lids with straw hole - 10oz-16oz
£86.70 £0.09/ea
1 x 1000

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Vegware Standard 65mm Kraft Sandwich Wedge
Vegware Standard 65mm Kraft Sandwich Wedge
£102.50 £0.21/ea
1 x 500

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Vegware PLA Cold Portion Pot Lids - 2oz-4oz
Vegware PLA Cold Portion Pot Lids - 2oz-4oz
£63.70 £0.03/ea
1 x 2000

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Vegware Glassine White NatureFlex Window Hot Bag 6 x 8.5 x 10in
Vegware Glassine White NatureFlex Window Hot Bag 6 x 8.5 x 10in
£42.50 £0.09/ea
1 x 500

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Colpac Elegance Laminated Sandwich Bag
Colpac Elegance Laminated Sandwich Bag
£51.60 £0.21/ea
1 x 250

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TASTE Large Food To Go Box (with Window)
TASTE Large Food To Go Box (with Window)
£71.80 £0.40/ea
1 x 180

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Kraft Baguette Collar Tray/Film
Kraft Baguette Collar Tray/Film
£139.40 £0.14/ea
1 x 1000

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Kraft Long Tortilla Wrap & Film
Kraft Long Tortilla Wrap & Film
£132.35 £0.17/ea
1 x 800

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Vegware PLA Round Deli Containers - 8oz
Vegware PLA Round Deli Containers - 8oz
£129.20 £0.26/ea
1 x 500

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Vegware PLA Deli Container Lids - 8oz-16oz
Vegware PLA Deli Container Lids - 8oz-16oz
£71.00 £0.14/ea
1 x 500

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This product has been discontinued from the Brakes range.

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