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Showing 19 of 19
Country Choice Pain Chocolat
Country Choice Pain Chocolat
£44.52 £0.74/ea
60 x 90g

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Country Choice Pulled Pork Bake
Country Choice Pulled Pork Bake
1 x 36

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Country Choice Bacon & Cheese Turnovers
Country Choice Bacon & Cheese Turnovers
£34.20 £1.14/ea
30 x 125g

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Schulstad Pain au Chocolat
Schulstad Pain au Chocolat
£31.88 £0.66/ea
48 x 90g

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Delifrance Wrapped All Butter Pain Au Chocolat
Delifrance Wrapped All Butter Pain Au Chocolat
£31.24 £0.78/ea
40 x 50g

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Country Choice Poppy Bloomers (400g)
Country Choice Poppy Bloomers (400g)
£29.04 £1.45/ea
20 x 400g

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Macphie Strawberry Icing
Macphie Strawberry Icing
£28.75 £2.30/kg
1 x 12.5kg

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Country Choice Brie & Port Cranberry Turnover
Country Choice Brie & Port Cranberry Turnover
£27.70 £0.92/ea
1 x 30

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Country Choice Batched Crusty Rolls
Country Choice Batched Crusty Rolls
£25.08 £0.35/ea
18 x 4 x 80g

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This product has been discontinued from the Brakes range.

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Country Choice Parisiennes (400g)
Country Choice Parisiennes (400g)
£24.56 £1.02/ea
26 x 400g

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This product has been discontinued from the Brakes range.

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Country Choice 4" Sausage Rolls (100mm Approx.) Average 85 Pieces
Country Choice 4" Sausage Rolls (100mm Approx.) Average 85 Pieces
£22.52 £0.26/ea
85 x 75g

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This product has been discontinued from the Brakes range.

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Country Choice Corned Beef Pasty
Country Choice Corned Beef Pasty
£22.14 £0.62/ea
36 x 120g

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Country Choice Funtime Double Chocolate Doughnuts
Country Choice Funtime Double Chocolate Doughnuts
£21.88 £0.27/ea
80 x 45g

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This product has been discontinued from the Brakes range.

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Country Choice Chilli Potato Dog
Country Choice Chilli Potato Dog
£21.11 £1.06/ea
20 x 140g

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Country Choice Funtime Custard Doughnuts
Country Choice Funtime Custard Doughnuts
£19.56 £0.24/ea
80 x 46g

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This product has been discontinued from the Brakes range.

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Country Choice Funtime Jam Doughnuts
Country Choice Funtime Jam Doughnuts
£19.44 £0.24/ea
80 x 46g

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This product has been discontinued from the Brakes range.

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Premium Mince Pie Cookie Puck
Premium Mince Pie Cookie Puck
£16.15 £0.54/ea
1 x 30

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This product has been discontinued from the Brakes range.

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Country Choice Chocolate Cupcake
Country Choice Chocolate Cupcake
£14.42 £0.72/ea

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This product has been discontinued from the Brakes range.

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Country Choice White Crusty Rolls
Country Choice White Crusty Rolls
£14.16 £0.35/ea
40 x 100g

Sorry! We don't stock this anymore.

This product has been discontinued from the Brakes range.

This product is currently out of stock

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Terms and Conditions

All offers are made subject to availability. Normal minimum deliveries of £100 nett apply. Maximum of 20 cases per promotional product per outlet. All offers are at list price. Normal discounts do not apply. E.&O.E. Weights and measurements are approximate. Offers are available to independent customers and participating Symbol retailers (for details of eligibility contact your Telesales Operator, Fieldsales Representative or Symbol Group Head Office).
