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Showing 14 of 14

Savour It Chicken Fajita Wrap
Savour It Chicken Fajita Wrap
£60.50 £2.52/ea
24 x 165g

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Savour It Meatball Melt Wrap
Savour It Meatball Melt Wrap
£57.20 £2.38/ea
24 x 174g

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This product has been discontinued from the Brakes range.

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Savour It Four Cheese & Red Onion Panini
Savour It Four Cheese & Red Onion Panini
£58.35 £2.43/ea
24 x 197g

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This product has been discontinued from the Brakes range.

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Savour It Four Cheese and Onion Toastie
Savour It Four Cheese and Onion Toastie
£52.95 £2.65/ea
20 x 187g

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This product has been discontinued from the Brakes range.

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Savour It Ham & Cheese Toastie
Savour It Ham & Cheese Toastie
£49.60 £2.48/ea
1 x 20

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Savour It Tuna Melt Toastie
Savour It Tuna Melt Toastie
£48.00 £2.40/ea
1 x 20

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This product has been discontinued from the Brakes range.

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Savour It BBQ Chicken Toastie
Savour It BBQ Chicken Toastie
£54.40 £2.72/ea
1 x 20

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This product has been discontinued from the Brakes range.

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Savour It Sausage Ciabatta
Savour It Sausage Ciabatta
£37.45 £2.34/ea
16 x 176g

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This product has been discontinued from the Brakes range.

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Savour It Bacon Ciabatta
Savour It Bacon Ciabatta
£44.25 £2.77/ea
16 x 154g

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This product has been discontinued from the Brakes range.

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Savour It All Day Breakfast Wrap
Savour It All Day Breakfast Wrap
£61.30 £2.55/ea
24 x 200g

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This product has been discontinued from the Brakes range.

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Savour It Spicy Chicken Burrito
Savour It Spicy Chicken Burrito
£59.60 £2.48/ea
24 x 173g

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This product has been discontinued from the Brakes range.

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Savour It  Mozzarella, Pesto and Tomato Ciabatta
Savour It Mozzarella, Pesto and Tomato Ciabatta
£41.70 £2.61/ea
16 x 187g

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This product has been discontinued from the Brakes range.

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Savour It Ham and Cheese Panini
Savour It Ham and Cheese Panini
£57.65 £2.40/ea
24 x 185g

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This product has been discontinued from the Brakes range.

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Savour It Brie and Cranberry Ciabatta
Savour It Brie and Cranberry Ciabatta
£47.50 £2.97/ea
1 x 16

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This product has been discontinued from the Brakes range.

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