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Country Choice Deep Filled Mince Pies
Country Choice Deep Filled Mince Pies
£55.70 £0.62/ea
72 x 88g

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Country Choice Festive Friends
Country Choice Festive Friends

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Country Choice Gingerbread Reindeer
Country Choice Gingerbread Reindeer
£18.90 £0.79/ea
24 x 65g

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This product has been discontinued from the Brakes range.

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Country Choice Mince Pie Bar
Country Choice Mince Pie Bar
£17.90 £0.50/ea
1 x 36

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Country Choice Chocolate Cupcake
Country Choice Chocolate Cupcake
£14.42 £0.72/ea

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Country Choice Iced Ginger Mini Loaf Cakes
Country Choice Iced Ginger Mini Loaf Cakes
£34.80 £1.45/ea
1 x 24

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Country Choice Chocolate Orange Cupcakes
Country Choice Chocolate Orange Cupcakes
£28.60 £1.43/ea
1 x 20

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Country Choice Chocolate Yule Cake
Country Choice Chocolate Yule Cake
£28.85 £1.44/ea
20 x 85g

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Mini Christmas Gingerbread Biscuits
Mini Christmas Gingerbread Biscuits
£27.55 £0.11/ea
240 x 11g

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This product has been discontinued from the Brakes range.

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Bridor Cranberry Twists
Bridor Cranberry Twists
£71.80 £1.03/ea
70 x 90g

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This product has been discontinued from the Brakes range.

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La Boulangerie Catering Mince Pies
La Boulangerie Catering Mince Pies
£23.40 £0.33/ea
72 x 40g

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This product has been discontinued from the Brakes range.

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Bells of Lazonby Luxury Mince Pie
Bells of Lazonby Luxury Mince Pie
£39.75 £1.66/ea
24 x 95g

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This product has been discontinued from the Brakes range.

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We Love Cake Gluten & Dairy Free Flow-wrapped Mince Pie
We Love Cake Gluten & Dairy Free Flow-wrapped Mince Pie
£14.40 £1.20/ea
12 x 80g

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This product has been discontinued from the Brakes range.

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Crumble Topped Mince Pies
Crumble Topped Mince Pies
£27.35 £1.14/ea
24 x 115g

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This product has been discontinued from the Brakes range.

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La Boulangerie Mince Pies
La Boulangerie Mince Pies
£27.70 £0.46/ea
60 x 56g

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This product has been discontinued from the Brakes range.

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