C 450109
Large Flat Mushrooms
Pack size: 1 x 1.8kg
TEMPORARY SPECIFICATION CHANGE: Due to growing challenges mushrooms are opening quicker than they should, causing a challenge to reach minimum size of 100mm. To maintain supply, we have allowed a concession for a smaller diameter mushroom. Tray weight will remain 1.8kg. As a result, your order may not fall within its original specification. This is effective 12.12.24-24.12.24
Fully open extra large size whole fresh mushrooms, graded 100-135mm.
Pack size: 1 x 1.8kg
TEMPORARY SPECIFICATION CHANGE: Due to growing challenges mushrooms are opening quicker than they should, causing a challenge to reach minimum size of 100mm. To maintain supply, we have allowed a concession for a smaller diameter mushroom. Tray weight will remain 1.8kg. As a result, your order may not fall within its original specification. This is effective 12.12.24-24.12.24
Fully open extra large size whole fresh mushrooms, graded 100-135mm.